as described in building a second brain, there are 4 main sections this is divided into -
projects: short-term efforts in your work or life that you’re working on now.
areas: long-term responsibilities you want to manage over time.
resources: topics or interests that may be useful in the future.
archives: inactive items from the other three categories.
why ?
why would someone during the advent of ai, try to create a second brain ?
personally for me when i jot down something, i understand and grasp it better.
this is akin to feynmanns technique where i try to explain the concepts i learn to a child, and in the process refine my knowledge and find if there are any glaring things i am missing.
plus whenever i want to brush up on a topic, and if i revisit my notes, it just clicks since i have already gone through this same content before, it isn’t exactly something new.
and lastly learning and creating in the open, does two things -
provide visitors with ideas, insights and maybe motivation
provide me with feedback around how to learn and create better